Sunday, June 30, 2013

MyFridgeFood and Ziplist!

Hello All!

I just wanted to take a moment and announce something I'm very excited about.  For a while I've been getting a lot of emails from all of you asking for a way to help with saving recipes, grocery lists, and an app.  Ziplist will address ALL of those!  

Ziplist is an online recipe box that will make accessing your favorite recipes quick and easy!  From anywhere on any device :)

On the recipe pages - You'll notice that (in addition to saving your recipes using your MyFridgeFood account) you can also save your recipes to your Ziplist account.  If you don't already have one you'll be prompted to create one, it's free, and you can use the functions on ANY site!

The "Bookmark" button will still save the recipes to your MyFF account if you find that easier.  It's up to you :)

Using Ziplist you will be able to save your favorite recipes and access them from anywhere (including your mobile with a handy app).  

This also allows you to create a "Meal Planner" to help organize your meals for the week.  If you don't have the ingredients in the kitchen, just click "add to shopping list" to add them to your grocery list :)

Ziplist also helps you with your grocery shopping by suggesting items you "may need" as well as providing coupons to help save you money at your local markets :)

Thank you all again for the wonderful suggestions and the support! I hope that MyFridgeFood and Ziplist will continue to help all of you in your daily lives :)  

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Easy way to get a Six Pack... of Soda :)

Easy way to get that six pack.... of soda :)

Easier storage and transport... it'll fit in a bag :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The New MyFridgeFood!

Hello Everyone,

I would like to take a few moments and discuss the New MyFridgeFood :)

First I'd like to thank all of you for the suggestions you've all had for me. They have not fallen on deaf ears, as I have incorporated a lot of your suggestions into the new site. I've been building MyFridgeFood for the last three years, and I am truly overwhelmed by the way everyone has taken to it. Everyone has been so supportive and helpful! The community that you've all built around MyFridgeFood has been amazing :)


Unfortunately, all of the new features aren't available on the new site as of yet - they will be shortly. I wanted the "New MyFF" to be at 100% before the site went live, but the "old MyFF" was hacked last week - usually I've been able to take care of it quickly, but this time it was a little more than I could handle :( I had to delete half the site to fix it... So I figured that I would just go ahead and release the "Half done" new site, in place of the "Half Down" old site. (if that makes sense)

All of the "new" features aren't there yet , but the "Main" features are better than ever! You can still save your ingredients, and search through the recipes nice and easy. It's easier to follow and much cleaner to read, especially on the "Printer Friendly" page (no green text on green background lol)

Once again everything will be back up to 100% shortly, and at 200% once finished.  I really appreciate everyone's patience and suggestions as the new MyFridgeFood moves forward.  I truly am overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm of everyone in the community.  Seriously, thank you so much - I obviously couldn't do this without you!  Thanks Again, I'll keep everyone posted on the new features and the app :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

MyFridgeFood - Help with Pinterest

Hello Everyone - just wanted to address all the emails I've been getting... figured this would help :)

I had to take the site down for a couple hours to run security scans, however, this caused Pinterest to block MyFridgeFood from being pinned. The site is fine now, they're just being cautious (which I understand)

The issue should be resolved shortly, I just wanted to mention it since I've been getting a lot of emails about the Pins not working. I could sure use all the help I can get with to the site back up to full power, so if you use Pinterest (and have a few minutes to spare) - feel free to send them an email asking to unblock MyFridgeFood :)

Here's the link:  Pinterest - Help